Debating Season 2023

Welcome Debaters!

Debating Juniors drittbestes Team in Deutschland

We as a team are officially done with the debating season of 2022/23! While we were very successful, the third best team in Germany, we are unfortunately not able to compete in the finals, which would be taking place in Rottweil from 7th to 9th of July, due to scheduling conflicts. 
Since our last article was released, we participated in four more rounds, two of them being prepared and two impromptu debates. We won three of those rounds, which put our overall win count to 5 out of 6, with 14 individual votes from the judges in our favor.  
The first two rounds were held at our school, with the motions “This House would ban homework” and “This House regrets the rise of TikTok”. It was a lot of fun hosting these debates and we hope to be able to welcome everyone again next year. The remaining two motions were “This House believes that all pupils should be required to volunteer in their community” and “This House believes that students should be graded on their handwriting”.  
We are proud to announce that the individual members of our team were very successful as well, with most getting into the top 100 speakers in the country and one of us even managing to get eighth with 71,2 average speaking points. While these achievements are certainly something to celebrate, it is even more impressive if you consider that everyone on the team except one was new to the debating world, so we want to congratulate everyone once again for their success. We also want to thank them for participating and staying motivated and Mrs. Kadau, our coach, for guiding and supporting us through all this time. 
Overall, all the debates were interesting and fun, and we are excited to try and repeat our performance next season. We thank everyone who supported us on this journey and are looking forward to seeing everyone's debating careers from this point forward. 

Zweimal durfte das LGH Gastgeber der Debating-Wettkämpfe sein.


Für die Gäste gab’s zur Begrüßung eine kleine Stärkung.


Verena Kadau verteilt die Aufgaben, bevor es in die Vorbereitung geht.


Be prepared!


Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte
mit Internat und Kompetenzzentrum
             Universitätspark 21
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
             07171. 104 38 100

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